I have experienced multiple bereavements in a very short space of time (three and a half year period). I have been bereaved due to Cancer twice. 

I have previously worked for a Women's Mental Health Charity providing support at two "drop-in" facilities on a weekly basis, seeing women for assessment, also providing support at three female secure units allowing me to work with women who may feel isolated, afraid, even more anxious in this environment, and I also facilitated create and craft sessions with women on these units.

I have provided support for a children's bereavement charity in the North West of England.  Supporting children who are bereaved by the loss of a relative or friend and including supporting children when parents have experienced pregnancy loss. ​

Functioning as a family support worker for a national charity I supported families, parents, or single parents in their own homes. Families could be struggling with a variety of issues including their own mental wellbeing issues, addiction, loneliness, financial constraints, new to the area.   Also support worker for a project which entailed supporting pre-school children with reading, writing, simple numbers, basic life skills such as dressing, cleaning teeth, night time and morning routines, and learn through play.

Offering counselling within an organisation providing general mental health support allowed me to work with adult male and females who may have a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, individuals suffering abuse (violence, sexual, mental, stalking, coercive control), those who have suffered historical abuse, individuals presenting with anxiety and depression, relationship issues, identity issues, bereavement (pregnancy loss, parental, sibling, relatives, friends, animal companion), long-term health issues, bullying (face-to-face, social media, virtual reality).

More recently I have provided support as an Oncology Counsellor within a Cancer Unit in the North West of England.  This involved providing counselling to individuals who had a cancer diagnosis (working with people who had an initial diagnosis, during their treatment, during surgery, recovery, or those who were receiving palliative care to end of life).   I also  provided counselling to those who were caring for someone with a cancer diagnosis as well as individuals who were bereaved due to cancer.

In my private practice I work with anyone experiencing grief whether this is due to bereavement (including bereavement due to the loss of an animal companion) or other life events such as relationship breakdown, loss of employment, change of home, change of school/college/university, cancer diagnosis, life-limiting illness, loss of a way of life, loss of sight/hearing/bodily function/organ/limb, financial loss, children leaving home.   ​

Other issues I work with include:- ​

Abuse (Violence, Sexual, Mental, Stalking, Coercive Control, Social Media, Virtual Reality)​


Confidence Loss​


Identity issues​

Life coaching​


Personal development​

Post-traumatic stress​

Pregnancy related issues​


Self esteem​




Work related issues

Please note that prior to engaging in counselling with myself a free telephone assessment in mandatory. This enables you to assess if you will feel comfortable working with me and it also enables me to gauge if I am the most appropriate counsellor to meet your needs so that you gain the maximum benefit from counselling.